It’s 18 Days now until our Furniture and belongings show up.. Oh please let us be done…
As usual I seem to start my day off cleaning. go figure. Another wash down for the Master Bathroom. Getting the haze off the tiles is a pain.
Since we used pine wood planks on the ceiling and painted it, all the knot holes show very clearly. It may be a little more rustic looking than I want.
After the coat of gloss on the ceiling I give the corner molding pieces that George primed a gloss coat.
and then paint more baseboard and ceiling molding..I look like I have been dragged through a hedge backwards in this pic..
George puts the finishing drywall on the outside of the Master Bathroom Shower ceiling.
He then installs slats and starts putting up the new wood ceiling for the shower.
We have had a little bit of rain over the last week and since our yard is a construction site the dirt turned into a pile of mud. That mud ended up being dragged back and forth between the house and the cabin. So I got up today and started my usual Cinderella task..CLEANING…
I built a little pathway to the cabin with some old pallets that were lying in the yard
George came home and put the rest of the concrete board around the shower.
I then installed the glass tile surround.
We also finish the tiles in the Guest Bathroom shower..George cut and I installed. He also smoothed out the mud on the walls.
I decided I didn’t want the rustic look on our bathroom ceiling so George filled in all the knotty holes when he got home with some wood filler. I guess that means I will be painting it over again…grrr
Today is Thursday and George has taken the day off. We need to get as much done as possible since our time having an empty house to work in is dwindling.
Shower ceiling we definitely have a fire lit under our buttocks
Then the actual molding
Now things were going along at a steady pace and we used up all the ceiling molding and started to install the baseboard corners and molding. We got a few on and then next thing I hear is
“ Oh Shit”
I whip round to see that George has drove a nail through his middle finger knuckle.
“ Oh Shit”
I whip round to see that George has drove a nail through his middle finger knuckle.
First thought of mine..”Oh Shit”
Second Thought…”I need a picture of that”
Again I am not quick enough to grab the camera. George has the nail pulled out from his finger in a flash…
Third thought..”Dam too slow again Jackie, would have made a great pic”
Fourth Thought..” Holy Smoke, there is blood, Do you need to go to the hospital”
Fifth Thought ..” Oh crap I think I am going to vomit” and it never even happened to me.
Now I know some may think I am heartless but I did notice he had turned chalked white, so I got him to sit down and brought him a cup of water.
Sorry I only got a pic of the nail and the scene of the crime.
The nail
The scene of the crime. There is some blood on the floor
George had a meeting to go to so he was pretty much done for the day. So glad the accident happened late in the afternoon and not first thing in the morning. I bet he was wishing he went to work today..
Now since I was not injured I trooped on myself. Remember our new ceiling that George filled in the knots with wood filler.
I will have to repaint this mess..sigh… unfortunately not tonight since I can’t get the Primer paint open..
Called it a night around 8pm when George got home from his meeting with some food for me…
Woke up today and I think George is feeling bad for me. He told me to go out and do something because I have been working at the house and have never left in a week. He says at least he get’s to go to work, which gives him a break from the house. I need to go out for paint so off I go. I go to Target first, Kirkland's, Bed Bath and Beyond, Ross and finally Home Depot.
It seems to take me forever to pick the bathroom paint but I eventually make a decision. I knew what colors I wanted, it was the shade that was so hard to pick…
I primed the shower ceiling when I got home and George got most of the drywall up in the Powder Room
Holy Smoke it is the weekend again. Here is George’s lovely mess he left after washing/smoothing down the drywall mud in the Master Bathroom
So once again Cinders gets out her bucket and sponge and done some clean up so I could get to work.
What am I doing today..
I am painting the walls …..This is exciting for me.
Paint for Master Bathroom
Time to ROLL !!!!
Blank Canvas to start
Love the color although it looks orange in the pics. It is a rich terracotta color
Finishing putting the drywall in the closet
We close up the house and go and take a nap in the cabin.
When we wake up a few hours later we head back over and decide to knock out the new ceiling in my office…
The ceiling at some point had been paint with a yucky gloss that had sand mixed in it.
I on the other hand was up and down a ladder like a yo-yo again, cutting and holding
and nailing planks… George also whacked my head with a few planks that he said he accidently dropped…I am beginning to wonder..
and nailing planks… George also whacked my head with a few planks that he said he accidently dropped…I am beginning to wonder..
Ceiling done..whoop time to call it a night..
Well I have learned my lesson on going up and down a ladder. George is on his own today. He can finish the ceilings himself… he works on the Powder room first
I work on painting more molding…
Then it is on to give the Master ceiling a coat of gloss to cover the wood filler.
George finishes the laundry Ceiling
He then finished the closet
I sealed the grout on part of the Master Bathroom tile in preparation of the installation of the bathtub
We finished off the day by wrapping up the family room, powder room, laundry, office and closet. Painting starts in these rooms tomorrow..
and no night would be complete without a visit from my furry friend..The Raccoon..!!!!
I think he needs a name…What do you think I should call him?
What I have learned this week
My husband is a messy worker..just call me Cinderella.
George’s accident could have been worse.
He could have nailed his hand to the wall, I would have fainted and whacked my head
And the two of us could have been taken to hospital…
My Raccoon needs a Name…
Until next time
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Jackie D